The minimal preparation and straightforward procedure makes dental bonding a very popular service provided by a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge. Out of all of the services offered by a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge, dental bonding tops the list; because it is a versatile procedure that can be relied on to improve almost any type of smile. The shape of teeth, gaps between teeth and cracks in teeth can all be repaired with dental bonding and because it takes as little as 30 minutes for the completion of each tooth, it is worth speaking with a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge about this treatment.
Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Bonding?
Before you take the leap and meet with a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge for dental bonding you need to decide whether or not this is the right choice for you. If you have decayed teeth as a result of poor hygiene, drinking fizzy drinks, eating sugary treats or smoking too much, you will be a good candidate. You will also benefit from dental bonding if you want to make your teeth look longer or if you want to change the overall shape of the teeth. Dental bonding can be relied on to repair cracked/chipped teeth, close spaces between teeth and even as an alternative for fillings.
The Procedure for Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is not that difficult and in fact, a cosmetic dentists in Burr Ridge could complete the procedure in just one visit. There is not much preparation required for cosmetic dentistry of this kind and unless you feel real discomfort when you visit the dentist, anesthetic will not be required. Once you arrange a date for dental bonding the dentist will apply a conditioning liquid to the surface of the teeth after making them rough. A tooth-colored resin material will then be applied, shaped, hardened with a UV light and trimmed, if necessary.
The Advantages and Disadvantages
Much like any other service offered by a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge, there will be certain advantages and disadvantages. However, you should know that there are more benefits associated with dental bonding than there are disadvantages. This procedure is simple, affordable and can be customized to each individual patients’ needs. A minimal amount of tooth enamel is removed, so you need not worry about damaging the teeth beneath. The only real disadvantage is that the putty-like resin can become stained quite quickly, so it is best to steer clear of wine and coffee.
Whether you want to alter the appearance of your smile in a small or big way, a cosmetic dentist in Burr Ridge will be able to assist you. Dental bonding is not the only type of cosmetic dentistry you can inquire about though, because most dentists will also specialize in teeth whitening, veneers, bridges and tooth-colored fillings. By visiting Dentistry by Design you can book an appointment and view the range of services.